Tuesday 1 September 2015

September - the Month of Our Lady of Sorrows

Pope's intentions for September 2015:

 The Holy Father's universal prayer intention for September is: “That opportunities for education and employment may increase for all young people”. 
His intention for evangelisation is: “That catechists may give witness by living in a way consistent with the faith they proclaim”.

The Seven Sorrows of Mary

The Prophecy of Simeon. (Luke 2:34–35)
The Flight into Egypt. (Matthew 2:13)
The loss of the child Jesus in the Temple (Luke 2:43–45)
Mary meets Jesus on the way to Calvary.
Jesus dies on the cross. (John 19:25)
The piercing of the side of Jesus, and Mary's receiving the body of Jesus in her arms. (Matthew 27:57–59)
The body of Jesus is placed in the tomb. (John 19:40–42)